Our Mission

SS&A Power Group provides solutions and services to a wide range of customers in the power generation industry:
- Power utilities, independent power producers
- Power plant developers
- Owner’s engineers
- Insurers and financial institutions
- Equipment manufacturers and service providers
- Power regulatory authorities and agencies
SS&A Power Group headquarters are located in Wettingen, Switzerland, 20 km from the city of Zurich, with offices also located in:

Our global presence allows us to be local, flexible, and fast in helping our customers and partners solve their biggest problems. The growth of our business has mirrored the largest and fastest-growing markets in the power industry today.
Martin Spring
There is no need to continue burning coal and oil today. We have all the technologies needed to transition now – we have no time to waste – we are acting now. Replacing baseload coal-fired plants with gas-fired plants will reduce carbon emission by half. Introduction of utility scale energy storage solutions will enable greater utilization factors of renewable energy, thus reducing the need for fossil-fuel based generation. Eventually sufficient combination of renewables and energy storage will eliminate the need for baseload fossil fuels generation.
We envisage that before 2050 the world will be ready to move almost entirely away from all fossil fuels, including gas. However, select gas-fired assets will probably remain as standby and will be used in emergency cases only.
The challenge for the next couple of decades will be how to maintain grid stabilities when moving away from coal and nuclear – there will be a huge gap in baseload generation. For this, it will be necessary to build gas-fired plants on the mid-term during which time our renewable and energy storage infrastructure will further be expanded. For the gas plants power developers (and this is not different to our G2P Adriatic Company) the challenge will be to develop these assets with a shorter-than-usual commercial life. Whereas in the past CCGTs were developed to have a commercial life of at least 30 years, we are now moving towards 25 years and still reducing. Those who build gas-fired plants by 2030 will have less than 20 years of useful commercial life. Therefore, it is necessary to develop plants with relatively quick return on investment – and this is only possible if developers have the necessary know-how of the gas turbine technologies, markets and service skills to optimize their projects. Our advantage is that we have the top-level expertise in gas turbines technology, operation and maintenance within our group – so that our development company can profit from it. This helps us put creative and competitive gas-fired solutions which will help bridge the gap caused by retirement of the coal-fired plants but will still return their investment in sufficient time to make our projects profitable. Of course, we are not only developing gas-fired plants, on the contrary we are also currently very active in starting solar projects in southeast Europe and we hope to expand these to other regions of the world.
Climate change is the biggest threat that our civilization faces today. Power generation and transportation industries have been among the major causes of the human driven climate change. As professionals in this industry it is our major task to develop solutions which will neutralize our impact on the environment. SS&A Power Group is fully committed to lowering carbon emissions with solutions that deliver clean, reliable power.
– Dr. Sasha Savic