SS&A Power Consultancy developed a Study with detailed technical solutions and a preliminary feasibility study for four gas power plants capacity between 50 MWe and 400 MWe in Montenegro. In order to develop a study SS&A performed following tasks – conducted an analysis of all available gas supply options, including initial discussions and budget proposals from relevant suppliers in the region, analyzed the possibilities for connection to EESCG and provide relevant opinions from the transmission system operator, conducted an analysis of potential locations and their suitability for the power plant, analyzed posibilities for renewable energy sources in the area (solar and wind) and their potential integration with the gas power plant, analyzed local legislative framework and conditions for obtaining permits, developed a Study with an elaboration of technical solutions for long-term gas operation in power plants and a strategic approach to achieve CO2 neutrality in combination with renewable sources, defined a roadmap and construction phases in order to meet today’s and future environmental requirements for the selected optimal concept, provided budget estimations for each phase, including the long-term contract for the maintenance of gas turbines and other relevant equipment, analyzed potential EU funds for combating climate change and financial support in transitioning to Carbon-neutral electricity production, as well as to establish initial contacts with relevant funds, conducted previous analysis/study of techno-economic feasibility for long-term operation, taking into account all project phases, conducted the risk assessment study, considering the relevant legal regulations and planning documentation on the temporal impact of project implementation, prepared a preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA study), delivered a Comprehensive report with further recommendations and presented the findings and recommendations to EPCG and other Project stakeholders in order to select the optimal concept and define further steps.